Students and Advertising Media: Dynamics and Implications


  • Errol Foja Romblon State University-College of Business and Accountancy



advertising media, ad media dynamics, ad media implications, ad media strategies for local businesses, marketing management


This study describes the dynamics of advertising media among college business students in Odiongan, Romblon and identifies the implications of such dynamics to businesses in the municipality.  The dynamics described are levels of exposure to, effectiveness of and preference for, 12 current advertising media. The science of marketing management particularly its established framework for promotion is the theoretical anchor of this study.  The descriptive method of research was used with the questionnaire as data gathering instrument which was distributed to 280 students at the College of Business and Accountancy of the Romblon State University, chosen through cluster, stratified and systematic random sampling procedures.  The data gathered were processed for percentages and means, using SPSS, then analyzed for implications determination. The results revealed that college business students in Odiongan are often exposed to advertising media, consider such media satisfactorily effective and prefer them well. Further, the advertising media’s dynamics on college business students in Odiongan have very good implications for local businesses’ promotion strategies such that some advertising media should be immediately exploited, some seriously considered and some should as yet, not be considered, by these businesses.


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How to Cite

Foja, E. (2023). Students and Advertising Media: Dynamics and Implications. Romblon State University Research Journal, 5(1), 28–32.



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