Computer System Evaluation: Information Security for Electronic Money Transfer Services


  • Preexcy Tupas Romblon State University, College of Computing, Multimedia Arts and Digital Innovation
  • Alexander Hernandez Technological Institute of the Philippines- Manila



Money Transfer System, risk for security, success factors, security practices and processes


This research examines how various organizations address the security challenges associated with money transfer systems. It reveals that the role of payment systems in money transfers has significantly evolved, with numerous electronic payment systems now available to facilitate secure online transactions. The study also identifies key success factors for each organization implementing its security solutions. Rapid technological advancements pose substantial risks to transaction security. The research shows that payment systems have become increasingly integral to the industry, and their impact on society is considerable. These advancements are expected to benefit future studies by offering insights into technological progress in both monetary and digital transactions. A range of sources, including academic journals, conference proceedings, and online articles, were used to review the current landscape of money transfer systems thoroughly. The study emphasizes the critical role of security measures and customer awareness in safeguarding electronic payment systems. Its findings offer valuable insights for policymakers, financial institutions, and researchers working on effective security strategies for money transfer systems


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How to Cite

Tupas, P., & Hernandez, A. (2024). Computer System Evaluation: Information Security for Electronic Money Transfer Services. Romblon State University Research Journal, 6(2), 28–36.



Research Article