Effect of Contextual Inquiry Approach on Interest Towards Science and Achievement in Earth Science among Grade 10 Students


  • Aizelle Taratara-Fadero DepEd




contextualization, 7Es, achievement in Earth Science, interest, contextual inquiry


This study determined the effect of the contextual inquiry approach (CIA) on interest in science and achievement in Earth Science among grade 10 students at Ferrol National High School. In CIA, students are doing inquiry-based learning using situations and materials that are within their context and locality. The pretest–posttest control group quasi-experimental design was employed in the study, which involved two matched classes of 30 students each, both implementing the 7Es inquiry model: elicit, explore, engage, explain, elaborate, evaluate, and extend. The experimental class used the CIA in conducting the activities and providing examples about the concept while the control group used pictures in delivering 10 learning competencies in Earth Science topics. The instruments used were the 40-item researcher-made achievement test in Earth Science and 12-item Science Inventory Test modified from the Program for International Student Assessment. Results showed that the CIA helped improve students’ achievement in Earth science (ƞp2 = .11). In classes implementing the 7Es inquiry model, CIA is comparable to the conventional teaching approach (CTA) in improving students’ interest in science.  However, interest in science and achievement in Earth Science are not related to each other. This advances the argument that the attitude-achievement paradox is possibly existent among Filipino learners.




How to Cite

Taratara-Fadero, A. (2022). Effect of Contextual Inquiry Approach on Interest Towards Science and Achievement in Earth Science among Grade 10 Students. Romblon State University Research Journal, 4(1), 34–39. https://doi.org/10.58780/rsurj.v4i1.41



Research Article