Integrated Project Eureka Intervention: Effect on the Discourse Skills in English Among Grade 11 Students


  • Alma Gay Llorca
  • Garry Vanz Blancia
  • Emelyn Villanueva



Integrated Project Eureka Intervention, discourse skills, Humanities and Social Sciences, Grade 11


This quasi-experimental study was conducted to determine the effect of Integrated Project Eureka Intervention (IPEI) on the Discourse Skills (DS) in English of Grade-11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students at Odiongan National High School. Two intact HUMSS classes were selected and assigned each to control and experimental groups, respectively. In determining the DS, a 20-item standardized assessment for communicative/discourse test was adapted from University of Louisville. T-test for independent samples was used to compare the mean pre-test scores in DS of the experimental and control classes. Analysis of Covariance was used to compare the post-test mean scores in DST between the two classes, using DST mean pre-test scores as covariates. Results of the investigation revealed that the IPEI was effective p2 = 0.4) in improving the discourse skills of HUMSS students. A longer period of experimentation to fully ascertain the dosage of the intervention and to test the intervention to different strands in the senior high school program are recommended.




How to Cite

Llorca, A. G., Blancia, G. V. ., & Villanueva, E. (2022). Integrated Project Eureka Intervention: Effect on the Discourse Skills in English Among Grade 11 Students. Romblon State University Research Journal, 3(2), 8–13.



Research Article